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> tozan cultural society kiln schedules and events

updated mon 31 mar 97


The Shelfords on fri 21 mar 97

I would like to throw in some more information about the TOZAN kiln firing
schedule, to add to what Gavin posted yesterday (and I double checked the
dates, those below are the most current):

May 16th to 31st (Tozan kiln):
16th - site preparation
17th - taking in pots
18th-19th - loading
19th eve - kiln warming
20th - 25th approx. - firing
31st (approx) - unloading, site cleanup and wood prep for next firing

June 15th to 30th:
Anagama firing which will constitute a 3-credit course from Malaspina
College (site of the Tozan and anagama kilns) taught by Jackson Hirota.
Further info in Gavin's post.

July 25th to August 9th:
Tozan firing on roughly same type of schedule as in May

August 16th - 30th (Anagama):
Women's firing which is also a workshop with Linda Christianson. Fee -
$250. The last time I heard, there were still a few places left.

For those who are interested in participating in a Tozan firing, or the
Christianson workshop, you will need to get in touch with Maureen Beardsley
at (250)245-4867. Or if there are general questions, post them to the
list. One of us who have been there can help.

The expenses involved, other than getting there, are (Cdn $$):
-to be part of the work crew, membership in the Tozan Society ($20)
-to have pots fired, membership plus $20 per cubic foot of kiln space, or
$10 if you are working at the firing.
-to be billeted at the college, $20 a night, and you have to bring your own

I can strongly recommend Gavin's web-site for the Tozan link (no comparisons
intended - haven't investigated the other links!) - it gives a great sense
of what it is like. I have never been to any other wood-firings, so I can't
compare, but I certainly enjoyed the Tozan. They are great people.

- Veronica
Veronica and Graeme Shelford
s-mail: P.O. Box 6-15
Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0
Tel: (250) 246-1509