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^04 -^6 slip base

updated mon 30 sep 96


Andrew S Lubow on sun 22 sep 96

Here is a White Slip Base that has worked for me in Cones 04 thru 6 on
wet and leatherhard clay. It may even go to higher cones but I haven't
experimented to those temperatures

Ball Clay 40%
EPK 20%
Neph Sy 20%
Talc 15%
Flint 10%

I prefer to mix it with water to a Heavy cream consistancy then add
stains or oxide as it suits me, then seiving it. I've had no problems
brushing, toothbrush spattering or using slip trailing bottles with it.
Go ahead experiment with it. I've found it to be a very forgiving slip.

Peter Wilkins/CAM/Lotus on sun 22 sep 96

Thank you for posting your slip recipe. It looks like just what I'm looking
for. I greatly appreciate potters who are willing to take the time to share
recipes that they have found dependable. I notice that the percentages don't
add to 100%. Is there an ingredient missing or are the amounts "parts" of the
total and not meant to add to 100?

Thanks again,
Peter Wilkns
Pandemonium Pottery
Kittery, Maine

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Here is a White Slip Base that has worked for me in Cones 04 thru 6 on
wet and leatherhard clay. It may even go to higher cones but I haven't
experimented to those temperatures

Ball Clay 40%
EPK 20%
Neph Sy 20%
Talc 15%
Flint 10%

I prefer to mix it with water to a Heavy cream consistancy then add
stains or oxide as it suits me, then seiving it. I've had no problems
brushing, toothbrush spattering or using slip trailing bottles with it.
Go ahead experiment with it. I've found it to be a very forgiving slip.

Andrew S Lubow on mon 23 sep 96

Here it is again. Let me apoligize for the apparent transposition.

Cone 04-6 White Slip Base for wetwork and leatherhard clay.

Ball Clay 40%
EPK 20%
Neph Sy 15%
Talc 15%
Flint 10%
I prefer to mix it with water to a heavy cream consistancy, seive it,
then add oxide or stains as it suits me then reseive it. I've brushed,
toothbrush spattered and sliptrailed this base without problem. I've
taken it as high as cone 6. It may go higher but you'll have to
experiment with those temperature. Someone replied to the original
message that the Neph Sy will not go to cone 10. So again experiment.

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:35:39 EDT Peter Wilkins/CAM/Lotus
>Thank you for posting your slip recipe. It looks like just what I'm
>for. I greatly appreciate potters who are willing to take the time to
>recipes that they have found dependable. I notice that the percentages
>add to 100%. Is there an ingredient missing or are the amounts "parts"
>of the
>total and not meant to add to 100?
>Thanks again,
>Peter Wilkns
>Pandemonium Pottery
>Kittery, Maine
>Here is a White Slip Base that has worked for me in Cones 04 thru 6 on
>wet and leatherhard clay. It may even go to higher cones but I haven't
>experimented to those temperatures
> Ball Clay 40%
> EPK 20%
> Neph Sy 20%
> Talc 15%
> Flint 10%
>I prefer to mix it with water to a Heavy cream consistancy then add
>stains or oxide as it suits me, then seiving it. I've had no problems
>brushing, toothbrush spattering or using slip trailing bottles with
>Go ahead experiment with it. I've found it to be a very forgiving