Ann Elena on mon 7 apr 97
My partner and I are considering applying for the ACC Wholesale show in
Baltimore. Before doing this, we'd like to find out how some other potters
have fared. How much inventory do you take? Do the buyers buy out of your
inventory, or do they place orders? In other words, can we take
representative samples of our stuff or do we need to haul everything we make?
Does the protocol for these shows differ from the retail shows? We have
never done a wholesale show before and any information that you might be able
to supply us would be helpful. Thanks ahead of time for your help.
Ann Elena
Don Jones on wed 9 apr 97
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>My partner and I are considering applying for the ACC Wholesale show in
>Baltimore. Before doing this, we'd like to find out how some other potters
>have fared. How much inventory do you take? Do the buyers buy out of your
>inventory, or do they place orders? In other words, can we take
>representative samples of our stuff or do we need to haul everything we make?
>Does the protocol for these shows differ from the retail shows? We have
>never done a wholesale show before and any information that you might be able
>to supply us would be helpful. Thanks ahead of time for your help.
>Ann Elena
Ann Elena,
I have only done 2 Baltimore shows but here is my .02. First of all you
have to get into the show, not always a given. Once you get in, if you
have good reasonably priced work, bring all you can. Bring your *line*
plus stuff you will need to sell on the retail days (if you are staying for
those). If you are just doing the wholesale event you can bring just the
minumum, buyers will order to receive work later.
Wholesaling is a good way to go. But bring your calendar and a pile of
wholesale price sheets to give out. Also work out shipping prices and
dates. Some first-timers get overwhelmed with orders and have to cancel
them later. Don't take more orders that you can fill in a timely manner.
Don Jones
extending the spring here in Albuquerque
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