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alberta vs albany slip

updated mon 30 sep 96


Talbott on wed 11 sep 96

A. How closely does Alberta Slip compare to "True Albany Slip" as a
constituant in cone 10 reduction glazes???
B. How closely does Alberta Slip compare to "Albany Slip Substitute" as a
constituant in cone 10 reduction glazes???----Marshall

Marshall Talbott
Pottery By Celia
Route 114
P.O. Box 4116
Naples, Maine 04055-4116
(207)693-6100 voice and fax

Emily Pearlman on fri 13 sep 96

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>A. How closely does Alberta Slip compare to "True Albany Slip" as a
>constituant in cone 10 reduction glazes???
>B. How closely does Alberta Slip compare to "Albany Slip Substitute" as a
>constituant in cone 10 reduction glazes???----Marshall
>Marshall Talbott
>Pottery By Celia
>Route 114
>P.O. Box 4116
>Naples, Maine 04055-4116
>(207)693-6100 voice and fax

I fire to cone 6 and find that Albany Substitute (know as syntheticAlbany)
make that glaze a lot runnier that the same glaze with real Albany.
Alberta slip is much better and more like Albany in most of my Albany
glazes. However in my Albany green, the color is much lighter and washed
out compared to real Albany. The recipe calls forBlack nickle oxide to give
the green color (its and dark metallic green alone and a rich hunter green
under white). When I add more Black nickle to get a better green color,
it runs. So its a mixed bag, but Alberta is better. True Albany is/was
the best of all.


Emily Pearlman-Pottery (

Emily Pearlman on sat 14 sep 96

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>A. How closely does Alberta Slip compare to "True Albany Slip" as a
>>constituant in cone 10 reduction glazes???
>>B. How closely does Alberta Slip compare to "Albany Slip Substitute" as a
>>constituant in cone 10 reduction glazes???----Marshall
>>Marshall Talbott
>>Pottery By Celia
>>Route 114
>>P.O. Box 4116
>>Naples, Maine 04055-4116
>>(207)693-6100 voice and fax
>I fire to cone 6 and find that Albany Substitute (know as syntheticAlbany)
>make that glaze a lot runnier that the same glaze with real Albany.
>Alberta slip is much better and more like Albany in most of my Albany
>glazes. However in my Albany green, the color is much lighter and washed
>out compared to real Albany. The recipe calls forBlack nickle oxide to give
>the green color (its and dark metallic green alone and a rich hunter green
>under white). When I add more Black nickle to get a better green color,
>it runs. So its a mixed bag, but Alberta is better. True Albany is/was
>the best of all.
>Emily Pearlman-Pottery (

Hi all:

I goofed. Its black copper oxide that I use not nickle. Also Tom Buck has
kindly offered to help me adjust the runniness of the Alberta and Im
graeatfully accepting his help and will keep you all posted.


Emily Pearlman-Pottery (