Indianapolis Art Center on thu 28 mar 96
For those who are interested in his work (and I love it too!), someone has
put a Goldsworthy page on the WWW. I don't have the URL at hand, but just
do a search and I'm sure you'll find it. Or email me privately and I can
get it to you.
Another artist that does great work integrating ceramics with nature is Sue
Wink, from Michigan. We'll be showing her here at the Indianapolis Art
Center in the summer of 1998.
Julia Moore
Indianapolis Art Center
Bill Buckner on fri 29 mar 96
Using the AltaVista search engine:
and the term "Andy Goldsworthy" I found some 100 sites with reference to
Andy Goldworthy's work.
Bill Buckner e-mail:
Georgia State University
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