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angle grinders and citations

updated mon 30 jun 97


Fred Paget on sun 15 jun 97

>I will use the ITC patch for the holes once I grind off the
>glaze around the edges of the pits. The four inch angle grinder is a
>ceramicists best friend.
>Linda Blossom

Yeah Linda' I got a diamond blade for mine for about $65 and it will dry
cut anything. The coarse masonry abrasive wheels are cheap and grind
shelves like mad but the diamond blade is best for removing crystal glazed
pots from their pedestals or taking off really big glaze drips
..These blades are coming in from Korea and all the major brands seem to
have them. The average hardware store will have to special order them. Here
because of intense competition from Home Depot our local hardwares have had
to intensify their stock into specialty areas and I could get it off the
shelf. My blade is a DeWalt (they list it in their catalog) and is a little
bigger in diameter than some of the others - a plus when you want to cut a
brick.You have to buy a blade to fit the brand of grinder you have because
they are all different in the way they hold it.

The Eudora e-mail program puts the quoted and cited message first and I
tried putting it last by cutting and pasting but then the signature gets
mixed up with mine. I like it put first.

Fred Paget---Mill Valley,CA,USA
Never try, never win!

LINDA BLOSSOM on mon 16 jun 97

Yes Fred, I agee about the diamond blade for the angle grinder. Dewalt is
a great brand. I have a diamond blade that has been going for about 5
years and it cost me $40. It really depends on where you get it. The dry
cut blade is very different in appearance from the wet blade- it has cuts
into the blade at regular intervals. It is also important to know that
there are diamond impregnated and diamond coated. The former being the
better. By the way, if someone can pour water on the piece while you
grind, it will go faster and easier.

Linda Blossom
2366 Slaterville Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850