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updated fri 7 oct 05


Gaydos, Frank on mon 27 oct 97

Hello Clayarters,
I'm doing the trial period on AOL but I am not allowed into the Ceramic
section because I guess I'm not a regular member yet. So far I'm leaning
away from joining as I can do just about everything myself that AOL
charges you for. Any Clayarters into AOL and what is your experience,
especially in the clay section? Any feedback would be helpful.

June Perry on tue 28 oct 97

Even with a trial period you should be allowed into all the aol mail board
areas. Go to keyword and type in crafts niche. That will take you to a page
with lots of hobbies listed. Scroll down the column on the right and you'll
find the pottery board. Click that and you're in.


Tracy Shea on wed 29 oct 97

Is that the only place??? I know about it, and there is precious little about
pottery. It seems that most of the participants are into mold ceramics, and
I've tried the chat room (that I understand is being eliminated) and was
lucky to find a potter in there. They coupled the room w/ polymer clay
crafters, and they seemed to respond, but few potters. Clay Art has been an
enormous learning tool for me, and has shown me that there are many potters
who are also using the internet to learn and share, but AOL'ers don't seem to
be those people, or at least they're going elsewhere (Clayart) and not using

the Gallagher's on thu 30 oct 97

I have found this also true of MSN. I think Clayart must be the main
gathering place for people on all networks. This makes sense to me anyway, as
any one network generated source would limit the number of people involved.
Not all potters use the same server.

Thanks Clayart!

Michelle Clary-Gallagher

Estelle Renberger on thu 30 oct 97

What do you mean they wont let you into the ceramics section!!!!! You
should have unlimited access even in the trial else can you
be expected to see if what they offer fits your my
opinion however...and I still use AOL ( mostly for the kids )..they dont
offer anything you cant find elsewhere on the net with a lot less

Carol Jackaway on thu 30 oct 97

I am a AOLer but I also am here and have been on the web checking out any
and all clay exhibitions, clay sites. The best thing to do is go to your
browser and type in Clay,
I have put then in my favorite places folder.
Aol's pottery exchange has changed since first logged on. I too have
noticed more mold pouring info and "painting" pottery shop owners on. But I
am of the mind that we can learn from everyone. And any exchange of ideas is
good compared to none at all.
Carol Jackaway
Parkside Pa
I am still finishing costumes!!!!!

Joyce Lee.......... on sun 14 jun 98

Thank you for the 19 personal, direct e-mails concerning the AOL
"King of Jerkdom- Dishonesty Division" charges and the many anecdotes of
similar disdain for the customer from AOL. You advised that I write to
AOL, the credit card company and the state Attorney General as well as
the Better Business Bureau concerning the whole situation including the
$30.00 charge which I've already paid. You're right. I shall do all of
the above. Really irritates me, though, when all I want to do is be a
little ol' retired lady who fires one load after another searching for
the perfect shino, rutile blue, celadon and copper red...and who keeps
on throwing, attempting to finally merge zip talent with hard work and
come up with an acceptable lot of pots...just once. I love Laura's offer
to boycott. We have a firebrand group here...

In the Mojave who just drove her new car back from Bakersfield. Doesn't
happen often in this household, so was completely enthralled with the
material quality of it all...

Joyce Lee on sat 12 may 01

I resigned from AOL two years ago after trying mightily to straighten =3D
out bookkeeping errors (THEIR errors) such as being charged twice for =3D
the same month. I ridiculously paid the bill apparently thinking that I =3D
must have missed something and that the second charge was somehow for =3D
the next month.... if I thought at all, that is. When I informed their =3D
Powers That Be Not ... feeling confident that this was a simple matter =3D
and I would at least have the second charge credited to my next bill.... =
I was told that "they" do not have the time to deal with such matters... =
that I would NOT receive a refund... that they have a policy to NEVER =3D
make refunds ... and they would NOT credit this incorrectly charged sum =3D
to anything else. Period. No talking it through.
I wrote, posted, called any person or company remotely connected in my =3D
mind with AOL ... finally decided to drop it
and to forget all the illegal deeds I might do to them ....
simplified and de-stressed my life to do so... but that IS what they =3D
depend upon, isn't it?

In the Mojave having just finished washing the car, cleaning up after =3D
the birds, and hosing studio floor ... boring... now we
have what the local newspaper referred to as "a horde of caterpillars =3D
chomping their way through the desert"... big, green with black stripes =3D
.... saw a dozen or more starting across the patio... #1 didn't see =3D
them, ran a cart over one... smushed him ... and I SWEAR the others =3D
turned and headed back down the sandy driveway and out the gate!!!
Wish I had a video ..... true story.

GORMO1@AOL.COM on wed 29 aug 01

I have been with AOL for over 4 years not one problem. I go with
unlimited time about $24 I can view my bill anytime but it's
always the same. And my son is at college and he can tap in on my AOL
anytime for free!
Any server you pick you always have to watch your P's and Q's! If you
watch your pocket book somebody else will!!
Jim Gorman

artimater on wed 29 aug 01

I've kept signed up for AOL for years for my kids....They like =
it!!!!!HEHEHE.......There was a time when it was thre best you could =
do......Does anyone remember Prodigy? Well it was better than Prodigy so =
I signed up.....I quit upgrading a long time ago cause every time I did =
everything else went to hell....So now my kids are moved up to better =
providers and I got this SMOKING cable, so I called them up a couple =
months ago and said my good-bys.....So now I see they have a clay group =
so off I went to check it out....They asked for a nickname and I wrote =
"artimator".......wellllllll....It's reserved....I can't have it cause =
it is reserved for me!....AtHome did the same thing to me....That is why =
if you send me email at that address it goes to artimater.....I tried =
and I tried but that is as close as they could get.....AtHome wanted me =
to go with ratimater....I gave up .....but I =
digress....................Anyway I can't join the AOL group cause my =
name is reserved for me....As a little post script, beautiful Gloria was =
figuring the checkbook out as I was writing this email.........You =
guessed it, didn't you?.....There is their stupid charge....They won't =
let me on the group cause they want me to have my name like old =
times.....I guess that's OK by me, but charging me like old times is =
BTW....I used to play games online a bit and when I was on AOL =
noone would let me play because AOL caused such a lag as to make the =
games unplayable....I got earthlink and there was NOOOO problem
BTW2....My daughter got a year free on AOL with her new =
Gateway.....Does that mean they will have to double charge her for two =
years after she blows them OFFFFFFFFFFF?.....
BTW3 ...The Texas Ceramics Club on Yahoo is for potters and I think =
you can get on there pretty easy....I've actually seen a couple friends =
made and problems solved there....Check it out, especially if you are =
from TX

"I only indulge when I've seen a snake, so I keep a supply of =
indulgences and snakes handy"

Anji Henderson on wed 29 aug 01

BTW2....My daughter got a year free on AOL with
new Gateway.....Does that mean they will have to
charge her for two years after she blows them

If by chance you have a betting pool as to weather or
not they charge. I am in on the fact that yes they
will charge for two years after!! And if the pool is
big enough I think I will take a trip to some little
island with clear water _when_ I win..

and be careful what you use that name for in
conjunction with AOL screens... if you sign on to the
wrong thing they will start billing you again and say
that you reactivated your account by signing on even
if you were just checking to see if they closed it
yet... Me, I would check my next statments real close
if i uz u...

And Never never accept the free month(s).. Good grief
what a trap...


--- artimater wrote:
> I've kept signed up for AOL for years for my
> kids....They like it!!!!!HEHEHE.......There was a
> time when it was thre best you could do......Does
> anyone remember Prodigy? Well it was better than
> Prodigy so I signed up.....I quit upgrading a long
> time ago cause every time I did everything else went
> to hell....So now my kids are moved up to better
> providers and I got this SMOKING cable, so I called
> them up a couple months ago and said my
> good-bys.....So now I see they have a clay group so
> off I went to check it out....They asked for a
> nickname and I wrote
> "artimator".......wellllllll....It's reserved....I
> can't have it cause it is reserved for me!....AtHome
> did the same thing to me....That is why if you send
> me email at that address it goes to artimater.....I
> tried and I tried but that is as close as they could
> get.....AtHome wanted me to go with ratimater....I

Good art does not have to match your sofa!!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger

Anji Henderson on wed 29 aug 01

Never a one problem?? No locking up?? No data loss??
No unnessacary and frequent forced downloads that you
don't have time for at the END of your use?? And might
add don't really need.. And have you ever talked to
customer service for any other problem?? They get
there emploiees at the jerk farm.. And last one for
tonight did you ever use 6.0.. mercy!!

And it is 25+ bucks a month - for what that you cant
get at a plain jane/joe ISP... And it takes up sooo
much space..


--- GORMO1@AOL.COM wrote:
> I have been with AOL for over 4 years not one
> problem. I go with
> unlimited time about $24 I can view my bill anytime
> but it's
> always the same. And my son is at college and he can
> tap in on my AOL
> anytime for free!
> Any server you pick you always have to watch
> your P's and Q's! If you
> don't
> watch your pocket book somebody else will!!
> Jim Gorman

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger

Joyce Lee on wed 29 aug 01

In case, any claybud thinks I have an interest in AOL...... think =
again....... sooooooo far from the truth. We once were on AOL, thinking =
it was the best server...... hah! After a few months, to make a long =
story very short, they began to overcharge our account. No problem. We =
figured it would be easily remedied. Well, there was a problem, in =
fact, since we (I) foolishly paid the charges to our credit card company =
. for we did truly owe AOL for the contracted amount and, stupid here, =
didn't feel right withholding their money (too soon old; to late =
smart).... and we were all adult, honest folks here, right? Just a =
misunderstanding. Could happen to anybody. AFTER many posts and =
telephone calls
(what a run-around THAT was! another story, those phone calls.....), we =
were unofficially AND officially informed via e-mail and telephone that, =
while it was true that they had overcharged us ... that I was correct in =
my "assumption" .... it was not their policy to give refunds!! Refunds!! =
This was money that was not rightfully theirs in the first place. They =
offered ... magnanimously ...... to give us one free month ..... "best =
they could do"...... hate to tell you what a fool I was and how many =
times I'd paid that bill, disputing it all the way ..... by that time =
they owed us several times what one month would cost!! When I told the =
last guy on the phone that I was probably giving up, wasn't worth the =
hassle and stress, but that he should be ashamed of himself ... he said =
something to the effect that "Yeah, you could look at it that way," but =
that he represented AOL and AOL wasn't really interested in service to =
their present users, just in attracting new ones. He was one of the two =
who "looked into" my account and concurred that I had, indeed, been =
overcharged and that AOL had continued to overcharge me even after I'd =
informed them of the "problem." =20

To top if off, when the credit card bill came the NEXT month..... a full =
six weeks after we'd left AOL .... there was a charge for the month we =
had OFFICIALLY dropped the account ..... AND the amount was the same =
overcharge that had been there for months!! Damn.
So, no, I am not in "favor" of some nefarious uprising and move to AOL, =
to put it very mildly. Even if I would do such things..... even if I =
did not
absolutely adore this list and the buds on it..... even if I didn't owe =
my whole claylife to Clayart...
even if I didn't find ACerS the most credible AND incredible group of =
claybud supporters anywhere..... even if I didn't owe Clayart for five =
years of daily support and consideration for all potters everywhere, and =
for me personally, I still wouldn't support AOL under any circumstances. =

Believe me, the story is longer and nastier than I'm elaborating here. =20

In the Mojave on wed 29 aug 01

Just my two cents worth since I, also have very happily left AOL land. Fax
any correspondence to them. I discovered this quite by accident. It works
soooo well. It takes a little while for them to respond to your fax, but
since your transmission is dated they have to respond to that date. It
cannot be refuted as you have the original. I have shared this with several
other folks who have also left AOL land and they have reported how easy this
method is. If you search through member services info the fax number is
listed in there. Believe me it isn't their preferred way to deal with
customers, but so far, seems to be the best.

Sara O'Neill
Geometrix Clay Designs
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joyce Lee"
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:43 PM
Subject: AOL

In case, any claybud thinks I have an interest in AOL...... think
again....... sooooooo far from the truth. We once were on AOL, thinking it
was the best server...... hah! After a few months, to make a long story
very short, they began to overcharge our account. No problem. We figured
it would be easily remedied. Well, there was a problem, in fact, since we
(I) foolishly paid the charges to our credit card company .. for we did
truly owe AOL for the contracted amount and, stupid here, didn't feel right
withholding their money (too soon old; to late smart).... and we were all
adult, honest folks here, right? Just a misunderstanding. Could happen to
anybody. AFTER many posts and telephone calls
(what a run-around THAT was! another story, those phone calls.....), we were
unofficially AND officially informed via e-mail and telephone that, while it
was true that they had overcharged us ... that I was correct in my
"assumption" .... it was not their policy to give refunds!! Refunds!! This
was money that was not rightfully theirs in the first place. They offered
.. magnanimously ...... to give us one free month ..... "best they could
do"...... hate to tell you what a fool I was and how many times I'd paid
that bill, disputing it all the way ..... by that time they owed us several
times what one month would cost!! When I told the last guy on the phone
that I was probably giving up, wasn't worth the hassle and stress, but that
he should be ashamed of himself ... he said something to the effect that
"Yeah, you could look at it that way," but that he represented AOL and AOL
wasn't really interested in service to their present users, just in
attracting new ones. He was one of the two who "looked into" my account and
concurred that I had, indeed, been overcharged and that AOL had continued to
overcharge me even after I'd informed them of the "problem."

To top if off, when the credit card bill came the NEXT month..... a full six
weeks after we'd left AOL .... there was a charge for the month we had
OFFICIALLY dropped the account ..... AND the amount was the same overcharge
that had been there for months!! Damn.

So, no, I am not in "favor" of some nefarious uprising and move to AOL, to
put it very mildly. Even if I would do such things..... even if I did not
absolutely adore this list and the buds on it..... even if I didn't owe my
whole claylife to Clayart...
even if I didn't find ACerS the most credible AND incredible group of
claybud supporters anywhere..... even if I didn't owe Clayart for five
years of daily support and consideration for all potters everywhere, and for
me personally, I still wouldn't support AOL under any circumstances.

Believe me, the story is longer and nastier than I'm elaborating here.

In the Mojave

Send postings to

You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
settings from

Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Richard Urban on thu 30 aug 01

I just bought a computer and it came with a free year of AOL for whatever
that's worth.

pammyam on thu 30 aug 01

It's worth a lot of potential aggravation. If you do decide
to use it, I found out one thing about AOL customer service
and tech support: you know more than they do, usually.
Once you realize that your tech knows nothing of use, hang
up and dial back until you find someone who knows more.
Otherwise, you'll get a lot of useless and time-consuming

I used AOL for several years, mainly because I got it free
because I had an AOL Visa. I quit AOL with about six months
free usage left. I had been using Earthlink and decided to
launch AOL one day to check on something in one of their
AOL-only sites. I got one of those damned forced downloads
that changed some network setting or something and just
generally screwed things up.

Also, for the first several months that I had my new
computer, I used AOL. With 26GB and 256MB RAM, I had
frequent freezes and "out of memory" and "low resource"
errors when I only had AOL and one or two other programs
open. Dell blamed it on AOL and AOL never is to blame
according to AOL. When I finally uninistalled the software,
it made a huge difference in the frequency of freezes. I
have to work really hard for that to happen now. For
instance I did manage to get a "dangerously low in
resources" error a few days ago, but I was online with
Internet Explorer and Outlook Express open. I had Adobe
Photoshop open and I was editing image files that were many
megabytes in size, and I also had Graphic Workshop Pro image
viewer open. To all of that add a calendar utility
(Pink--it's great) and a firewall and an antivirus package
running realtime and a cookie blocker all running in the
background and I think it had the right to freeze.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Urban"
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: AOL

: I just bought a computer and it came with a free year of
AOL for whatever
: that's worth.

Gayle Bair on thu 30 aug 01

Boy, does this sounds like a perfect topic for a "60 Minutes or Dateline"
investigation or what?? Just think of the ratings! (For you lucky people
without TV or living outside the USA viewing area "60 Minutes or Dateline"
are supposed to be shows which investigate and reveal hidden or
controversial facts. However they have become more tabloid as that is what
gets them their precious ratings.
So Anji... give Connie Chung or one of the other buffoons and get on TV. Now
just make sure you have them interview you in an area where you have lots of
your work prominently displayed!

Gayle Bair
Bainbridge Island, WA

Anji wrote>>

Never a one problem?? No locking up?? No data loss??
No unnessacary and frequent forced downloads that you
don't have time for at the END of your use?? And might
add don't really need.. And have you ever talked to
customer service for any other problem?? They get
there emploiees at the jerk farm.. And last one for
tonight did you ever use 6.0.. mercy!!

And it is 25+ bucks a month - for what that you cant
get at a plain jane/joe ISP... And it takes up sooo
much space..


--- GORMO1@AOL.COM wrote:
> I have been with AOL for over 4 years not one
> problem. I go with
> unlimited time about $24 I can view my bill anytime
> but it's
> always the same. And my son is at college and he can
> tap in on my AOL
> anytime for free!
> Any server you pick you always have to watch
> your P's and Q's! If you
> don't
> watch your pocket book somebody else will!!
> Jim Gorman

Elca Branman on thu 30 aug 01

My grandson refers to it as AOHELL


Elca Branman.. in Sarasota,Florida,USA

Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
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Earl Brunner on thu 30 aug 01

A full year AFTER I quit AOL, they suddenly started to charge my credit
card a dollar per month. When I called them on it they claimed it was
some kind of "line charge".
I had a separate modem line for the computer. They couldn't explain why
it took them a year after I quit to suddenly start charging me for it,
and no they didn't refund anything.

I only got X-rated solicitations while I was on AOL (I know, some of you
might like that, but not me). They constantly dropped me off while on
line. And the stupid downloads they sent all the time were a pain.

They are the pits to try and communicate with/to.

Anji Henderson wrote:

> <<
> BTW2....My daughter got a year free on AOL with
> her
> new Gateway.....Does that mean they will have to
> double
> charge her for two years after she blows them
> >>
> If by chance you have a betting pool as to weather or
> not they charge. I am in on the fact that yes they
> will charge for two years after!! And if the pool is
> big enough I think I will take a trip to some little
> island with clear water _when_ I win..
> and be careful what you use that name for in
> conjunction with AOL screens... if you sign on to the
> wrong thing they will start billing you again and say
> that you reactivated your account by signing on even
> if you were just checking to see if they closed it
> yet... Me, I would check my next statments real close
> if i uz u...
> And Never never accept the free month(s).. Good grief
> what a trap...
> Anji
> --- artimater wrote:
>> I've kept signed up for AOL for years for my
>> kids....They like it!!!!!HEHEHE.......There was a
>> time when it was thre best you could do......Does
>> anyone remember Prodigy? Well it was better than
>> Prodigy so I signed up.....I quit upgrading a long
>> time ago cause every time I did everything else went
>> to hell....So now my kids are moved up to better
>> providers and I got this SMOKING cable, so I called
>> them up a couple months ago and said my
>> good-bys.....So now I see they have a clay group so
>> off I went to check it out....They asked for a
>> nickname and I wrote
>> "artimator".......wellllllll....It's reserved....I
>> can't have it cause it is reserved for me!....AtHome
>> did the same thing to me....That is why if you send
>> me email at that address it goes to artimater.....I
>> tried and I tried but that is as close as they could
>> get.....AtHome wanted me to go with ratimater....I
> =====
> Good art does not have to match your sofa!!
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Earl Brunner

Bobbruch1@AOL.COM on fri 31 aug 01

Anji Wrote:

<<<<frequent forced downloads that you don't have time for at the END of your
use?? And might add don't really need.. And have you ever talked to customer
service for any other problem?? They get there emploiees at the jerk farm.
And last one for
tonight did you ever use 6.0.. mercy!!

I finally found a tech at AOL who told me that my problem with this is that
AOL 6.0 requires 88 percent free space in my computer and I had only 1/2 that
available, so I switrched back to AOL 5.0 and it seemed to reduce these

Bob Bruch

JOYCE LEE on wed 5 oct 05

Does anybody know if AOL is down, or perhaps down in specific parts of
the world, or the USA? I'm getting many questions about the =

Thank you.

In the Mojave wrestling with the roses ... so much to remember.... but =
are finally looking more like the other rose bushes around town. The =
Peace Rose is quite lovely. Maybe I'll be able to move beyond cacti, =
so far.... not likely.

June Kinsinger on thu 6 oct 05

Joyce, I am using it right now, not down in Indiana/Richmond. Was having some trouble for a minute or so but fine now.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 12:44:25 -0700
Subject: AOL

Does anybody know if AOL is down, or perhaps down in specific parts of
the world, or the USA? I'm getting many questions about the possibility.

Thank you.

In the Mojave wrestling with the roses ... so much to remember.... but they
are finally looking more like the other rose bushes around town. The sole
Peace Rose is quite lovely. Maybe I'll be able to move beyond cacti, but
so far.... not likely.

Send postings to

You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
settings from

Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at