JTRAX@aol.com on sat 3 aug 96
John wrote-
> if anyone has had any good luck with a "fake" Avery flashing >slip,
>I'd appreciate the formula.
Hello John-
I've tried a bunch, and not had much luck until recently. I've been
using one for a few firings now that I like pretty well; it responds in an
interesting way to different atmospheres and clay bodies. A little more in
the tan to brown range than orange/red but nice. The recipe is:(in%)
57 Grolleg
35 OM4
8 Neph Sy
Mix just a little on the thin side and its works on bisque just as well as on
I've been working up some variations using Helmer kaolin, but haven't hit one
I like yet. If you get a response about the Avery
will you pass it along? Thanks- if you try this out let me know what you
John Anthony
Elca Branman on sun 4 aug 96
I'm assuming the fake Avery is desugned for wood burning flashing? Would
it , or have you tried it 9in Salt firings ?I will, next firing, but if
its been done and is not worth the trouble, Id like to know...Elca
JTRAX@aol.com on mon 5 aug 96
Elca wrote-
>I'm assuming the fake Avery is desugned for wood burning >flashing? Would
>it , or have you tried it 9in Salt firings ?I will, next firing, >but if
>its been done and is not worth the trouble, Id like to know..
Some salting is involved in all of the wood firings I have used this
slip in- generally about 1 1/2 - 3 pounds per chamber. These are not super
long firings -in the 14-18 hour range, so a lot of the surface effect comes
from the salt rather than from a lot of ash. I have also used it in
salt/soda and it looked great-more orange than brown. I haven't used it with
a real heavy load of salt but if you try it I'd like yo know how it looks.
John Anthony
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