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bats, bats, bats

updated sat 30 nov 96


CP Dunbar on fri 15 nov 96

ok, so you leave your ware to dry on the bat.
why don't you have problems w/ cracking if you don't cut off the pot
earlier ?
i thought that was a "law of pots", ,,,,, sort of like "CALCULATIONS" :)
What about splinters ? ;)

thanx, cp
"And she shall have music wherever my Lady goes."

Dave and Pat Eitel on fri 15 nov 96

CP--Over the years I've learned that all (or almost all) the laws of pots
are up for debate.

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>ok, so you leave your ware to dry on the bat.
>why don't you have problems w/ cracking if you don't cut off the pot
>earlier ?
>i thought that was a "law of pots", ,,,,, sort of like "CALCULATIONS" :)
>What about splinters ? ;)
>thanx, cp
>"And she shall have music wherever my Lady goes."


Dave Eitel
Cedar Creek Pottery
Cedarburg, WI