Beverly Crist on wed 11 sep 96
Here's a bead glaze recipe that I like.
Bob Shay's Bead Glaze:
magnesium carb. 50
borax 40
gerstley borate 50
flint 10
manganese dioxide 10
fire cone 04 oxidation
Beverly in Ft. Lauderdale
You Name on fri 13 sep 96
To all intrested:
This is the bead glaze recipe that I have:
cone 06 ox
Ingredient Batch:gm
Barnard clay 53.1
Custer spar 8.6
Borax 15.2
Dolomite 0.2
Whiting 4.8
Lithium Carb 6.1
Soda Ash 1.2
Red iron ox 0.6
EPK 1.5
flint 8.8
This is a shiny black bead glaze
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