JoAnn Axford on sat 22 jun 96
I will be doing some sawdust firing with a camp in the next couple of weeks.
We will be using Miller 10G clay. What is the highest temperature I can
bisque at and not lose the burnishing???? TIA JoAnn Axford,
Glenmont, N.Y.
John Lockett on sat 22 jun 96
I've bisqued up to 900 C before sawdust firing without
losing the burnishing but I prefer to only go to 800 C
because I seem to get a better response to the smoking
at that temperature.
Good luck with your firing let us know how it goes.
John Lockett | Here in Birmingham UK | Hub of the Universe
Jay Landis on sun 23 jun 96
I find that bisque at ^08 gives the pots good color and they retain their
burnished surface.
I use a ^5 terracotta clay body.
Jay, in HOT and DRY Arizona .We desperatly need RAIN!!
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