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borax mesh?

updated sun 31 mar 96


Cynthia Hull on tue 12 mar 96

What size mesh is used to screen glaze containing borax, if any, or is the
borax added after the rest of the glaze is screened?


Lili Krakowski on wed 13 mar 96

Why screen it especially. Haven't used it in years, but I seem to recall
that if you put it in hot water it dissolves completely. No? Why not just
weight it out, add about 2 times the volume of hot water, and voila? Try it.

Lili Krakowski

On Tue, 12 Mar 1996, Cynthia Hull wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> What size mesh is used to screen glaze containing borax, if any, or is the
> borax added after the rest of the glaze is screened?
> Cynthia
> Hull

Lili Krakowski on thu 14 mar 96

The kindly Tom Buck pointed out to me taht perhaps Cynthia Hull wondered
about the borx crystals that formed on top of her glaze bucket. Two
things: fish them out with a little bit of the excess water, heat till
they disolve add them back to the glaze. Remember AS BORAX IS WATER
SOLUBLE any water you pour off as dwon the drain carries some of the
borax with it, gradually changing your glaze formula.
Then: if you fish some of those cryst als out, and lay them in a pattern
inside a plate, especially one with adark galze, you will get fun
patterns. Try it. Lili Krakowski