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building pottery equipment

updated fri 16 nov 01


"Ronald Galyen - Teacher - Mt. Carmel Elem RGALYEN" on sat 18 may 96

Quite some time ago, I "loaned" a book to another potter and haven't seen
that potter again.
I think the title was Building Pottery Equipment from Watson- Guptill.
It is now out of print.
Any ideas on where another copy might be found?
= Ronald W.Galyen =
= =
= Brookville, Indiana, U.S.A. =

Sharon31 on mon 15 may 00

Hello potters and ceramic artists!
This is a name of a book in wich you can learn from, how to build weels,
electric -and not.
Kilns, some kinds, and more stuff.

Building Pottery Equipment by Roger Harvy and Sylvia and John Kolb

Watson-Guptill publication/New York
Pitman Publishing/London3
Copyright 1975 By the authors
ISBN-0-273-008545-2 this is according to the English edition.

Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data
TT921.5H37 1974 681' 7666 74-16375
ISBN 0-8230-0540-2
Old, and good book.


Millie on wed 14 nov 01

Every so often someone asks about this book,
Building Pottery Equipment by Roger Harvey and Sylvia and John Kolb.

it is on ebay