Fay & Ralph Loewenthal on mon 2 jun 97
Steve Williams asked:I am not familiar with this glaze
chemical ( calcium chloride). Can anyone
shed any light on it's use/role in a glaze?
Steve it is used for keeping the glaze in suspension ie
it will not sink to the bottom of the bucket. It keeps the
glaze pretty loose and not in a hard lump at the bottom
of your bucket. My wife prefers using Epson Salts, 1
teaspoon per kilogram of dry glaze mixed in a bit of warm
water. I have stacks of it, more than 20 kilograms, but I
do not think it is worth the postage to send to you. Hope
this helps Ralph in PE SA
Pam Myam on mon 9 jun 97
Is there another compound that can be substituted for calcium chloride in
a glaze recipe?
Thanks in advance.
Tony Hansen on tue 10 jun 97
Pam Myam wrote:
> Is there another compound that can be substituted for calcium chloride in
> a glaze recipe?
Vinegar. Just put a few drops in a cup of the glaze or slip first to
test how well it gels, then add the appropriate amount to the bucket.
Tony Hansen, IMC thansen@mlc.awinc.com
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