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carpal tunnel: web sources for info

updated mon 31 mar 97


Sherri on sat 8 mar 97


I am also a dietitian, therefore I have collected numerous web sites
related to medicine and nutrition. Below you will find some sites that
may be of some use. By the way, the threads mentioning stretching
inbetween movement is very important as well as taking breaks while you
are doing a lot of wrist activity. If any of these sites do not work
directly for you, I can forward them to you personaly

Medscape: EXCELLANT! You must register to be able to view medical
journal articles (tell them you are a student). But you will find any
medical topic in here. You can also obtain their weekly newsletter and
stay updated on any medical topics.

Merch Manual, Diagnosis & Therapy: EXCELLANT!! The bible of all
conditions. Most nursing, and any medical proffesions use this often.
Can also be purchased in hard bound at any medical school library or
ordered through any college. I believe you must register as well.!!r34up3oXXr34uq2oY9/pubs/mmanual

Stretching and Flexiblity by Brad Appleton: This is a private web site.
Any one interested in exercise--this is the site for understanding
muscles. This guy done a lot of work and I was very impressed. You will
learn how to stretch the wrist muscles.

Sherri Diller