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casseroles (reply)

updated tue 30 sep 97


Craig Fent on tue 16 sep 97


I have seen the cut-out method used for open casseroles, but I am not sure
how you would get the lid to match very well, seems like the cuts would just
be a guess.

As to throwing a wall and attaching a bottom and slumping a lid, that is how
I have been making them for years. I have made them thin and thick, doesn't
seem to matter, but like you said even is important.

For the bottoms, I have used slabs and thrown, both work well, but it is nice
to throw the bottom so you can put throwing lines in. What I really like to
do is to throw the bottom and put a spiral in it, then pull it into an oval
shape. Looks really nice in the bottom of a oval dish.

I like to slump the lids in the ovaled dish as soon as it is stiff enough to
support it, not really as dry as leather hard, but stiff enough as to not

Hope this is some help.

Craig Fent