Tiggerbus on fri 14 mar 97
I cannot speak for the entire potter's world, but yes I too have that same
problem when I have not thrown for days or weeks! I think it has
something to do with concentration. I just quit cold turkey when I cannot
center and go to handbuilding and then come back later and it is like
riding a bicycle that same evening or day! Do not get frustrated
about it, you may want to use softer clay, it is not cheating and it is
better on your hands and wrists. You may want to develop your own system
of centering because I have heard any instructor use the same techniques
for centering, it is different for all people bc we all have different
strenghts in our hands, arms, and shoulders!
About the Utiliartian objects: I agree, we should not abandon them, but
make them useful as well as creative. When I was 6-7 years old, I had a
Bible that my mother gave me and I still have it and it has on the inside
cover pages, all of the tools that were used during the biblical ages. It
even included a kick wheel or turning devices for making things! All
sorts of wooden tools and iron tools, lining the pages with the
description underneath! I have realized that I stared at those pages so
long as a kid and was so fascinated by what man could do with his bare
hands without using "power tools", that this is where my desire came from
to be an artist and potter!
We must remember where our heritage comes from, not everyone around
the corner is a potter! And we should remember that we are just like the
potters who scoured the markets (i.e. today's arts and crafts festivals)
for buyers of our vases and bowls! The world of the potter hasn't
changed all that much, if you think about it! Itis just a little bit
easier thanks to technology!
Amy Gossett
Capuccino and Clayart mornings.........
"Reality is merely a crutch for those with a broken imagination..."
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