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centering big stuff

updated wed 30 apr 97


Russel Fouts on thu 24 apr 97


>> you build a device called a centering arm they have been use by
productions for years when potters got paid for how many gallons
they threw that day or week. They also had a ball opener that would open
the ball compress the bottom give the potter the thickness he wanted.
these are tools made by the potters as were their wheels kiln clay
and glazes. For more info on these matters look in FOX FIRE VIII it has
the illustrations on both devices <<

Or Nancy Sweezy's wonderful "Raised in Clay"!!


* Russel Fouts, CI$: 100021,23,
Bruxelles, Belgium
Internet: 100021.23@CompuServe.Com

"It took more then one man to change my name to Shanghai Lil."