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chinese amorial porcelain

updated mon 31 mar 97 on tue 18 mar 97

Chinese armorial porcelain pretains to the dishware produced for export to
the west.

Porcelain was brought back into Europe along with tea cargos and because of
the high quality of the dishware, it became extremely popular in Europe.
Armorial sets--those dishes bearing the crests and coats of arms of
families--were ordered as individual private trade goods as early as 1690
and by about 1765, large sets were regualr cargo on the tea clippers and
other ships.

Today, individual armorial pieces are highly sought after and valuable, but
probably more prized in the U.K. than in the U.S.

You might find more information from your local library within books of
collections from manor houses, antiques, antique auctions, and books on
early procelain.

Cheers, Jeanette Harris