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clayart signatures

updated sat 31 aug 96


ARTMOLIN@ACS.EKU.EDU on mon 19 aug 96


I recently received the following request from a member of Clayart
(non U.S.) that I feel worthwhile posting to the group. The request is
valid and because of the nature of Clayart being truly worldwide (there
are more than 34 countries represented on this list!), we all may want
to be sensitive to this request.

>May I request of you a personal reminder to the Clayart Forum that
>each user give a full description of who they are and where they are.
>Most non-USA residents do this now but all too many USA people seem to
>think they are talking to a friend on the phone (and therefore do not
>need to identify themselves). The lack of identification results in
>someone in LA/CA asking for supplier info and is told to buy from
>someone in Atlanta GA. Thank you.

And, another reminder from us managing this list that we all try to NOT
copy the _entire_ post to which we are replying. This only makes for a
longer message, and in most cases the reader is already aware of the
message you are referring to (i.e., subject line) and therefore does not
need to re-read the previous message. Copying only the relevant part to
which you are replying IS appropriate.



Joe Molinaro INTERNET:
Department of Art BITNET: artmolin@eku
Eastern Kentucky University VOICE: (606) 622-1634
Richmond, KY 40475