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clear cone 6

updated tue 30 apr 96


Sherry Hopper on wed 24 apr 96

Hello Everyone,

Just thought I'd drop a line to the list. I went to Columbus (my old
home town) and purchased the Clear-er # 501 glaze, from Columbus Clay.
It's a cone 4-6. Great glaze. I used it with the underglazes and
--wow!!!-- I made a slip from my clay and added some mason stains to use
under the glaze too. They were a success.

The clay I used was their ^4-11 white stoneware. It's a very nice soft
cream-white when fired in oxidation. I have yet to use it in reduction.

Please do not consider this an advertisement...I am not associated with
Columbus Clay in any way.

BTW - thanks to everyone who sent me some clear ^6 glaze recipes. I plan
to test them within the next few weeks. I'll post the results.

Thanks again!!!
The hills are beginning to come alive in beautiful green hues.