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cm article -reply -forwarded

updated tue 31 dec 96


"Rafael Molina-Rodriguez (Rafael Molina-Rodriguez)" on sun 1 dec 96

Date: Sun, 01 Dec 1996 15:06:54 -0600
From: Rafael Molina-Rodriguez (Rafael Molina-Rodriguez)
Subject: CM Article -Reply

Frank :

I believe the article "Hobart Cowles Albany Glazes" was in the May 1984
Ceramics Monthly.

Ms. Krakowski wrote a series of articles for CM that year : "Hobart
Cowles White Glazes" March 1984, "Hobart Cowles Albany Glazes" May
1984, "Hobart Cowles Blue and Green Glazes" June 1984", and "Hobart
Cowles Tan and Brown Glazes" October 1984.

Can someone on the list enlighten me about Mr. Cowles? And, how is
Ms. Krakowski these days? TIA.


>>> 12/01/96 11:25am >>>
Hello Rafael,

What month/year was the article "Hobart Cowles Albany Glazes"? I
would like
to find it.


frank helme in upstate NY

Lili Krakowski on tue 3 dec 96

Hobart Cowles was Professor of Ceramics at the School for American
Craftsmen of the Rochester Institute of Technology. He joined the
faculty in 1951. I was fortunate enought be part of the Class of
1953--which entered SAC in 1951, the first year SAC was in Rochester. At
that time R.I.T was a two-year school ony--but oh, was S.A.C. heaven!
Our other clay teacher was Frans Wildenhain. As to how I am: fine, thank
you. Stiil in Charleston S.C. from beginning December to April 1. Still
potting in Constableville, N.Y. 13325 the rest of the year.

Lili Krakowski

On Sun, 1 Dec 1996, Rafael Molina-Rodriguez (Rafael Molina-Rodriguez) wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Date: Sun, 01 Dec 1996 15:06:54 -0600
> From: Rafael Molina-Rodriguez (Rafael Molina-Rodriguez)
> To:
> Subject: CM Article -Reply
> Frank :
> I believe the article "Hobart Cowles Albany Glazes" was in the May 1984
> Ceramics Monthly.
> Ms. Krakowski wrote a series of articles for CM that year : "Hobart
> Cowles White Glazes" March 1984, "Hobart Cowles Albany Glazes" May
> 1984, "Hobart Cowles Blue and Green Glazes" June 1984", and "Hobart
> Cowles Tan and Brown Glazes" October 1984.
> Can someone on the list enlighten me about Mr. Cowles? And, how is
> Ms. Krakowski these days? TIA.
> Rafael
> >>> 12/01/96 11:25am >>>
> Hello Rafael,
> What month/year was the article "Hobart Cowles Albany Glazes"? I
> would like
> to find it.
> thanks,
> frank helme in upstate NY