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competitions and shows..update

updated tue 30 apr 96


Jonathan Kaplan on mon 1 apr 96

So to bring you all up to date. Saturday I received the much anticipated
results from the Cherry Creek Show and you guesed correctly, another
rejection. Check out these stats: 2309 applications for 139 available
spaces. The simple math is 1 in 17. Pretty tough competition.

So I thought alot about this during my hour rollerblade yesterday and of
course I know that it has nothing to do with the work and I certainly do
not take this as a personal critique of my work. But what I do now realize
that it is not worth applying to in the future. I am a big proponent of
media jurying and I think it is very important that show promoters realize
that in order to have the most equitable well balanced jury system, jury by
media is, IMHO, the most fair.
I sure would feel quite incompetant in jurying painting or printmaking with
a critical eye, much in the same way I would think that those without a
ceramics background would not be adequately qualified in juriny clay.

Any comments? Are there any show promoters on line with this list that
might be tempted to contribute?


Jonathan Kaplan

(aka "Scooter)
Ceramic Design Group/Production Services Voice:
303-879-9139 POB 775112
FAXmodem: same
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477, USA CALL before faxing

"No matter where you go, there your are!"

Douglas Gray on tue 2 apr 96


I am one of the coordinators for Ceramics USA a national juried
exhibition in Denton, TX. I have been reading the responses/gripes about
juried exhibitions in hopes that I might learn more about what ceramists
what out of these exhibitions.

For me, juried exhibitions play a vital role in promoting the art of
ceramics, despite the actual form it takes. That is what we are trying
to do with our exhibit. We are trying to make this exhibit a
comprehenses over-view of what is currently being created in the U.S.,
including functional pottery, sculpture and everything in between. My
hope for the exhibition is to show the breadth of approach to the
material and celbrate the diversity. I also hope to promote ceramics as
a means of artistic expression. Let's face it, our culture, as a whole,
does not readily accept clay as fine art, at least not to the degree of
other cultures (ie. Japan). What I hope for our show is to educate the
public and promote ceramics in general.

I admit, many exhibitions are milking the entrants for money. Let's face
it, many shows are designed as money making ventures for the host
institutions. I can honestly say this is not the case for our exhibit.
After all was said and done, there was was only a minimal amount of money
left with the completion of Ceramics USA 1995. And this money has
already been spent on the prospectus and mailing lists for Ceramics USA
1996. Dannon Rhudy and myself not only volunteered our time and effort,
but also donated our own funds to help get this exhibit off the ground.

Now without sounding like a martyr, we chose to participate in this
exhibition, to the extent that we did, because we are both committed to
the promotion of clay art. That is what each individual has to decide
for him or her self. To what degree do I want, or am financially able to

We are living in stange times. With the threat/reality of reduced
government funding for the arts, many art organizations are having to
find new sources of income. Personally, I can't blame institutions for
making money for these exhibitions. There are times, when I wish our
show made more money. The important thing to keep in mind is that
participating in juried exhibitions does two important things. It
promotes that very art which we all loves to do and it promotes the
institutions that promote our art. In a way, I view entry fees as
investments in our future, or atleast as donations to a worthy cause.
Pick your exhibitions carefully. Support those which you deem qualified.
And above all, don't get discuoraged. The honet truth is that any
particular piece can get in any particular show at any particular time.
The trick is just to submit the right piece to the right show at the
right time.

Jonathan, I appreciate your comments and those made by all the other
members of clayart. Organizing an exhibition is a difficult job, but the
feed back has given me plenty of food for thought. I have for some time
pondered the role of juried exhibitions in our culture and will for some
time to come, I suppose.

Doug Gray
fellow rejected entrant
fellow determined artist
fellow promoter of the ceramic arts