Michelle Lowe on tue 19 mar 96
Ok, a few more tests here, pinks and purples...
I tested five "pink" recipes and three "purple", didn't exactly turn out
all pink and purple, but got some great results anyway....
All on B-mix (white stoneware), fired to cone 7-ish, in an electric kiln,
with a one hour soak at the end. All from archives/database except one
pink which I got out of CM in a "question" section about Pink Icing, this
recipe being Pete Pinnell's.
I. Bright Pink (subbed strontium 2 for barium 3)
This glaze was a really varied surface, with glossy mauve/green where
pooled and matt green and pinky beige where thin...very nice. I wouldn't
call it "bright pink", but that's what it was called in the archives.
II. IE 157 Pink
This is a very nice glossy mauve, semi translucent and pooled with marbley
pink/purple, very fluid.
III. Fake ash cone 6 (subbed strontium 10 for barium 15)
With 8% rutile...mostly clear, with specks of pink scattered over the
surface...crazed where pooled.
IV. Fake ash cone 6 (subbed strontium 10 for barium 15)
With manganeses dioxide 0.5%, a dusty pinky brown with typical ash runs,
crazed where thick/pooled.
V. This one was from Pete Pinnell, in the questions section of CM in 1995
at some point...
Nancy's Pink Icing Glaze (revision 1)
Cone 6
Dolomite 14.2
Gerstley borate 6.5
Lithium Carb 8.0
Strontium Carb 1.5
Whiting 5.1
Neph Sy 22.4
Flint 42.3
Add tin oxide 3.0
Powdered rutile 3.6
(and for settling)...
Epsom salts 2
Bentonite 2
This is a very nice matt surface, pale pink with varied shades on the
surface, it's definately a KEEPER! I found the original to be gaudy over
white clay but this one is very nice!
Purples (NOT!)
I. This was a recent post from Autumn Downey, glaze was Pike's Oatmeal,
thread was In search of purple...
She suggested 2% cobalt, I used oxide, it is a nice semigloss surface but
not purple, more of a periwinkle blue, fairly opaque. Going to try a line
blend of .5 to 1.5% cobalt instead...
II. Matt purple/black c/5 ox
This is Albany slip 60, cornwall stone 20, RIO 20
I didn't *think* it would be purple, and it's not, more a warm dark reddish
brown, almost black, nice surface (isn't Albany always?), I have a bit of
true Albany here, so that is what I used.
III. Randy's Red, subbing 2% cobalt for iron
Rose Downs suggested this to me (Hi rose!), to get a purple and when I
asked her about it this morning on IRC, she told me to try a line blend of
smaller percentages of cobalt...so that's what I will be doing next.
I used cobalt carb, and it is a nice blue with splotches of darker blue,
periwinkle again, but not purple...
That's all for now folks...again, e-mail me privately for the other recipes
if you want 'em...
aka Mishy
Michelle Lowe, potter in the Phoenix desert \|/ |
mishlowe@indirect.com -O- | |
mishlowe@aztec.asu.edu /|\ | | |
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( )
Jeanne Wood on fri 29 mar 96
Hi Michelle;
I would dearly love copies of your pink & purple recipes, and
thank you for the offer of e-mailing them to folks.
If you'd like a copy of my favorite cone 9 purple, "Emily
Purple" I'd be happy to send that to you. It might take a
couple of days to do so, however. I don't get to our local
computer lab as often as I'd like.
Thanks again,
Jeanne Wood
On Tue, 19 Mar 1996, Michelle Lowe wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Ok, a few more tests here, pinks and purples...
> I tested five "pink" recipes and three "purple", didn't exactly turn out
> all pink and purple, but got some great results anyway....
> All on B-mix (white stoneware), fired to cone 7-ish, in an electric kiln,
> with a one hour soak at the end. All from archives/database except one
> pink which I got out of CM in a "question" section about Pink Icing, this
> recipe being Pete Pinnell's.
> Pinks...
> I. Bright Pink (subbed strontium 2 for barium 3)
> This glaze was a really varied surface, with glossy mauve/green where
> pooled and matt green and pinky beige where thin...very nice. I wouldn't
> call it "bright pink", but that's what it was called in the archives.
> II. IE 157 Pink
> This is a very nice glossy mauve, semi translucent and pooled with marbley
> pink/purple, very fluid.
> III. Fake ash cone 6 (subbed strontium 10 for barium 15)
> With 8% rutile...mostly clear, with specks of pink scattered over the
> surface...crazed where pooled.
> IV. Fake ash cone 6 (subbed strontium 10 for barium 15)
> With manganeses dioxide 0.5%, a dusty pinky brown with typical ash runs,
> crazed where thick/pooled.
> V. This one was from Pete Pinnell, in the questions section of CM in 1995
> at some point...
> Nancy's Pink Icing Glaze (revision 1)
> Cone 6
> Dolomite 14.2
> Gerstley borate 6.5
> Lithium Carb 8.0
> Strontium Carb 1.5
> Whiting 5.1
> Neph Sy 22.4
> Flint 42.3
> Add tin oxide 3.0
> Powdered rutile 3.6
> (and for settling)...
> Epsom salts 2
> Bentonite 2
> This is a very nice matt surface, pale pink with varied shades on the
> surface, it's definately a KEEPER! I found the original to be gaudy over
> white clay but this one is very nice!
> Purples (NOT!)
> I. This was a recent post from Autumn Downey, glaze was Pike's Oatmeal,
> thread was In search of purple...
> She suggested 2% cobalt, I used oxide, it is a nice semigloss surface but
> not purple, more of a periwinkle blue, fairly opaque. Going to try a line
> blend of .5 to 1.5% cobalt instead...
> II. Matt purple/black c/5 ox
> This is Albany slip 60, cornwall stone 20, RIO 20
> I didn't *think* it would be purple, and it's not, more a warm dark reddish
> brown, almost black, nice surface (isn't Albany always?), I have a bit of
> true Albany here, so that is what I used.
> III. Randy's Red, subbing 2% cobalt for iron
> Rose Downs suggested this to me (Hi rose!), to get a purple and when I
> asked her about it this morning on IRC, she told me to try a line blend of
> smaller percentages of cobalt...so that's what I will be doing next.
> I used cobalt carb, and it is a nice blue with splotches of darker blue,
> periwinkle again, but not purple...
> That's all for now folks...again, e-mail me privately for the other recipes
> if you want 'em...
> Michelle
> aka Mishy
> Michelle Lowe, potter in the Phoenix desert \|/ |
> mishlowe@indirect.com -O- | |
> mishlowe@aztec.asu.edu /|\ | | |
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