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cone 6 metallic glaze

updated thu 31 oct 96


Don Goodrich on thu 3 oct 96

Here's a ^6 ox. metallic gold/brass matt glaze that appeared in Ceramics
Monthly a few years ago (1994, I think). Turns charcoal grey if applied
thickly. Nasty stuff to clean up, too: wear rubber gloves!

Ball Clay 4.0
Redart 49.0
Flint 4.0
Manganese Dioxide 36.5
Black Copper Oxide 4.0
Cobalt 2.5
total 100.0

Good Luck! Don Goodrich in Zion, Illinois where Autumn is getting

Becky Lowery on fri 4 oct 96

I got this glaze in a round about way from Baltimore Clayworks in turn they
got from a book somewhere:
^6 oxidation
Ogden Gold:
Manganese 60
Copper Oxide 10
Red clay 20
China Clay 10

I have tested it and it is a bronzish gold if underfired, I haven't tested
it to temp yet-my kiln still isn't up, anyway good luck

Becky Lowery
Still working on building my studio in Kentucky

"Rafael Molina-Rodriguez (Rafael Molina-Rodriguez)" on wed 16 oct 96


Ogden Bronze/gold works great. Apply a good coat, not too thin. I fire
with cone 7 in sitter.

Another great metallic surface is:

Sandy Bronze

Ball Clay 20
Manganese Diox 80
Copper Carb 20

Wtch out for Manganese and apply thin, not too thick.

>>> Becky Lowery 10/04/96 07:45am >>>
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I got this glaze in a round about way from Baltimore Clayworks in turn
got from a book somewhere:
^6 oxidation
Ogden Gold:
Manganese 60
Copper Oxide 10
Red clay 20
China Clay 10

I have tested it and it is a bronzish gold if underfired, I haven't tested
it to temp yet-my kiln still isn't up, anyway good luck

Becky Lowery
Still working on building my studio in Kentucky