Teri and Bill Seeley on thu 4 jul 96
Pyrometric cones should be used like any other precise scientific
instrument: they must be calibrated to the specific conditions of
their use. Given that there are undoubtedly wide variations
in how cones are used by the world-wide community of potters who
freely trade glaze formulas, it is unlikely that you can assume a
consistent end point was used in the development of any or all of
those glazes. This implies simply that you need only be consistent
in your own use of cones and then test, test, test ...
For the record, we use 4 cones planted in fresh, heavily grogged,
3" coils of clay with lots of air holes punched in the coils. The
guide cones (8 and 9) and the guard cone (11) lean left to right.
The firing cone (10) leans toward the viewer. We use the diagram on
the cone boxes to adjust the cones to the precise angle recommended
by Orton. We fire until cone ten is just touching the kiln shelf
and try not to allow cone 11 to tip past 2 o'clock.
Theresa and William Seeley 410 486-3171 (voice)
Villa Nova Pottery 410 484-6273 (fax)
4015 Buckingham Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207
"186,000 miles/second is not just a good idea - its the law!"
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