Hertz Pottery on wed 10 apr 96
Im organizing a Pottery/Surfing trip to the pacific coast of Costa Rica.
Srufing clean head high 100yard waves in the morning and visiting Costa Rician
Potteries in the afternoon.Cheap food, Cheap lodging, Relentlesly blue skys
and traveling a third world country with other surfing potters. (sponges or
and right it all off!
Ten days more or less in early 1997. cost of $1000.00 to $1500.00)
Airfare is around $600.00 lodging is $15 to $30 a night meals are $4. to $10
each. or cheaper depending on the size of the group.
those interested should contact me by e-mail: Hertz@dmv.com
Erik Hertz
Ocean City Maryland...Where the potting stops when there are waves. #:-}
erik hertz
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