Emily Pearlman on fri 15 nov 96
Hi All:
Over the years I've had my share of crawling and solved much f it through
the usual ways, but always had some (most annoying). Lately I realized
I've eliminated about 99% of it by wiping my greenware down with a damp
sponge before putting it into the kiln to be bisqued. I used to wash all
my bisque and still had crawling and now I think I dont need to even wash
it. Amazing! The big question is, why did it take me so long to discover
Emily Pearlman-Pottery (clayfeat@echonyc.com)
(in NYC)
Maggie Woodhead on mon 26 oct 98
Hi Clayarters! Kia Ora!
I've been reading the posts on pinholing with interest as we
often have this problem or similar, I found changing the clay was very
successful and a lot of problems cleared up when I did that.
However there was one glaze which was giving me trouble over a
period of time It started to crawl quite badly after a spell of not
using it and nothing I did seemed to help, I even took off all the water
and replaced it with distilled water. Eventually MIchael Banks ( newly
joined Clayart - nice one Michael -) suggested I try adding vinegar to
counteract the effects of the borates dissolving and making the glaze
very alkaline. It worked! As far as the test was concerned! As soon
as I can get it onto a proper pot will see the results. Thankyou Michael
and perhaps you can give a more scientific explanation of this than
mine. Gherstley Borate is used more extensively by many Clayarters
than it is by potters here so this may be a problem that is solved by
using the old vinegar trick!
Good luck and
----Best Wishes Maggie----
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