Sandra Dwiggins on mon 9 jun 97
Good morning, Clayart!
Here's another vote of confidence for the ^6 Ox. Deep Purple Glaze in
the glaze database. It's definitely a keeper!!! When thick, a lovely deep
red purple--very complex. Semi-gloss surface, also semi-translucent.
When thin, kind of grey with a purple tint. Look likes it will break nicely in
that greyish tone. Good on white bodies and buff bodies--we're trying it
on red this week. All our clay bodies are in the ^6-9 range and all from
Standard Ceramic in Pittsburgh.
Sandy on tue 10 jun 97
Could you give us the ingredients for the deep purple glaze you described so
vividly that I feel I have to try. Thanks, Billy in Lexington where the rain
has become a daily occurance and Spring has not arrived.
Marc A. Baker on tue 17 jun 97
i just read the email on your results of the deep purple glaze.
i would be very interested in the receipe. how do i get into the
glaze database? or if someone has the receipe, could they share
it with me. thank you in advance.
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