Talbott on fri 10 oct 97
I have sent e-mails to Claytimes Magazine several times concerning
subscriptions and "call for entries" and have never got even one response
in the way of an acknowledgement. Am I expecting too much to expect to get
a response? They publish their e-mail address and so I have used it. I
can e-mail CM and I almost always get a response. No one and no
organization is perfect but it would be nice to know that you are being
heard. I would like to know what others think about this e-mail protocol.
Details will be forth coming!!!
Celia & Marshall Talbott, Pottery By Celia, Route 114, P O Box 4116,
Naples, Maine 04055-4116,(207)693-6100 voice and fax,(call first)
Clayarters Live Chat Room, Sat Nites 10 PM EDT & Sun Afternoons at 1 PM EDT
CLAYTIMES@aol.com on tue 14 oct 97
Dear Marshall,
I just read the Clayart message in which you voiced a concern regarding
unacknowledged e-mail. I apologize for the delay in responding to your recent
e-mailed press release: it's presently in the "to do" file of one of our
part-time staffers, who hasn't yet been to work since your message arrived
late last week.
As a very small organization (2 full-time and 2 part-time staffers), we are
extremely delighted yet overwhelmed by the quantity of both mail and e-mail
we receive. We have always tried to respond to all direct questions and
inquiries of any nature, yet it has not been our policy to respond to press
releases due to the large volume received. Press releases submitted to
newspapers, magazines, television stations, etc. generally do not warrant
acknowledgement of receipt as a matter of journalistic protocol.
Unfortunately, sometimes a few direct e-mail messages get lost in cyberspace
or "slip through the cracks" as may have happened to one of your previous
messages. I do save all of the e-mail we receive in a permanent file on my
computer, and located three previous messages from you. The first was a press
release which we subsequently published in our July/August issue; the second
was a request for the e-mail address of a potter whose work had appeared in
our magazine, immediately followed by your third message in which you
indicated that you no longer needed a response from us with that address
because you'd found that potter's web site.
If you were offended because we did not respond to those messages directly, I
apologize. We appreciate your calling this matter to our attention, and in
the future will attempt to respond to all e-mail messages with a standard
acknowledgement of receipt as a matter of policy. As always, we will continue
to respond to specific questions and inquiries submitted to Clay Times, as
our goal is to help others involved in the clay world in any way possible. If
for some reason anyone who e-mails us does not obtain a response in a
reasonable length of time, please e-mail me personally at
and I'll do my best to see that your questions are
Marshall, thanks for keeping us posted on the Clayarters' gallery...and keep
up the good work!
--Polly Beach
Clay Times magazine
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