on wed 3 apr 96
I need some references to assist in repairing several electric kilns that our
art center has acquired. Such topics as the principles of wireing an
electric kiln with switches and or kiln setters, showing different schematics
that kilns are designed for. With a non profit organization like ours we
have second hand equipment (most of which needs repair). Any suggestions
would be appreciated. on wed 3 apr 96
Bob--I have an excellent book about electric kilns--"The Electric Kiln
Book" I've had it for quite a while and it might be out of print, but you
could probably get it through your local library. There are probably more
recent pubs, but this one has wiring diagrams, etc.
Sandy Dwiggins on fri 5 apr 96
Can you give me the author of that book you mention, date of publ;ication and
publisher or ISBN or Lib of Congress number?? I have written to the
companies that manufacture this kiln and several others. I'm interseested in
know the principles of voltage control and how it is calculated etc. I have
two non descript kilns and I have to work from scratch.
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