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electric kilns--recommendations?

updated tue 30 sep 97


Judith Musicant on thu 25 sep 97

I've been a serious amateur for many years now, and have used a small Skutt
(818) for all this time, which has served me well. I'd like to get a
larger kiln in the next year, and am interested in your recommendations.
The only problem I've had with the Skutt is that it fires at least 1/2 cone
cooler on the bottom shelf--and it's very difficult to get it up to
temperature by playing with the controls--which I've tried on several
occasions. This problem only became apparent a couple of years ago, when I
started using a glaze with a very narrow firing range; the small
difference in temperature makes a big difference in how the glaze turns
out. Replacing the elements didn't help. Anyway, I'm wondering if a kiln
with an element in the base results in more even firings. I know that
Bailey has such a kiln, which is quite a bit more expensive than the Skutt,
and others, but if it is significantly better, I'd pay the price. (It's
been interesting to read about the apparent universal preference for the
Bailey slab rollers). On the other hand, do the controllers (e.g. Orton)
that have been discussed recently cure the problem? Any and all input
would be welcome. Thanks.

Judy, in beautiful New Jersey where the weather has been great this year,
and the Peter's Valley workshops equally wonderful.

Sheryl VanVleck on fri 26 sep 97

I recently bought a Skutt 1027 and 714 with kiln controlers.
The 1027 fires evenly and perfect. I have returned the 714
controller once as the top elements weren't firing. The company
was great about getting it right back to me but it is still firing
a cone cooler at the top. I'm new to kiln ownership but they
have been a real help with this and would purchase a Skutt

Sheryl VanVleck

Unruly JuliE on fri 26 sep 97


I have an Evenheat Precision Fire and love it. It seems to fire
very evenly (still rather new). The Orton Environvent also helps
with even top to bottom temperatures.

JuliE, in Michigan where I am fighting a severe cold (flu??) and
it is definitely fall one day and summer again the next!