Talbott on thu 30 jan 97
I thought that this might be valuable information to those of you
interested in maintaining the intergrity of glazes as they set around in a
bucket after having been wet-mixed. Tom Buck informed me that epsom salts
(magnesium sulfate) prevents the crystallization of gerstley borate, a
common ingredient in many glazes, in my case a copper red glaze. Use
approx. 4 g epson salt per 100 g of gerstley borate... Since the
possibility of crystallization and settling-out is reduced, the shelf life
of such glazes is significantly increased. (Tom... please correct me if I
got it wrong....) I hope some of you find this information to be
Best Wishes.... Marshall
{contact me directly for more information}
Celia & Marshall Talbott
Pottery By Celia
Route 114
P.O. Box 4116
Naples, Maine 04055-4116
(207)693-6100 voice and fax
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