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exposure to ceramic fiber

updated fri 31 may 96


Dave Eitel on wed 15 may 96

Pete, et al: I've got a layer of ceramic fiber over the arch in my kiln.
What's your opinion of the danger of that? If it is dangerous, what should
I do about it. As myb kiln is in a garage attached to my house, I am
unwilling not to have it there as additional insulation.


Dave Eitel
Cedar Creek Pottery
Cedarburg, WI

Vince Pitelka on thu 16 may 96

Dave -

The layer of ceramic fiber on your arch is probably a minimal threat, since it
is not in a high-abrasion location. I do believe in encasing fiber whenever
possible. Why not scrounge a piece of thin sheet-metal and cover the fiber.
If necessary you could use a number of odd pieces pop-riveted together. Seal
the exposed fiber along the front and back edges with a little refractory
cement. I agree with Marc that we tend to over-react to a lot of potentially
toxic or carcinogenic situations, but I also believe in playing it safe
whenever possible. I always act towards reducing or elminating the risk. That
can never hurt, and it increases peace of mind.
- Vince
Vince Pitelka -
Appalachian Center for Crafts - Tennessee Technological University
Smithville, TN