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extravaganza in toronto

updated sun 31 aug 97


Sue Jefferies on sat 30 aug 97

just to let you know that sixteen artists from across Canada will be in
Toronto on September 13, speaking on their work. Day long slide talks (15
min. each). Cast of characters includes: Robt. Archambeau, John Chalke,
Bruce Cochrane, Leopold Foulem, Steve Heinemann, Harlan House, Sadashi
Inuzuka, Paul Mathieu, Ann Mortimer, Walter Ostrom, Greg Payce, Ann
Roberts, Jack Sures, Lisette Savaria, Bruce Taylor and Jim Thomson. Get a
Canadian hit all at one time. Cost 70 Canadian dollars (approx $US 50) and
full time students $40 (approx. $25 US). This is held in conjunction with
the exhibition, "White on White: Contemporary Canadian ceramics, which
features their work and is on until Feb. 8th. To sign up call 4l6 586 8080
or email me your address for a brochure. Sue Jefferies