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ferro g-24 frit

updated mon 31 mar 97


Roger Gallardo on tue 11 mar 97

After doing some research I found that G-24 frit is originally from
Glostex (no longer in business). Looking at their analyses, Ferro's
3417 is its closest equivalent. Unfortunately, this frit is being
discontinued and its closest equivalent is Ferro's 3493. It also
appears that Pemco's Pb-63 is close to G-24. I do have to agree that
consideration should be taken in trying a boron frit and avoid leaded
frits whenever possible for obvious reasons.

Ferro 3493 (COE 6.7)

CaO..... 4.6
K2O..... 1.9
Na2O..... 1.5
PbO...... 31.3
B2O3..... 12.9
Al2O3..... 3.5
SiO2..... 44.7

I hope this helps.....

Roger Gallardo
Technical Advisor
Laguna Clay Co. CA