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galaxy glazes

updated fri 31 may 96 on thu 16 may 96

Hello....anybody out there know if there is anywhere in Vancouver (or lower
mainland) or Western Canada that I can buy galaxy glazes? The last place I
bought them was in New Mexico and I've lost the address. There must be
somewhere in Canada that I can get them. Thanks!

Michael Henderson on sat 18 may 96

RE Galaxy Glazes. I checked these catalogs for you: Seattle
Pottery Supply, Clay Art Center (Tacoma) and Georgie's in Port-
land. I found nothing under that name. Maybe you might have
another name or a manufacturer and I could check further. Sorry
no luck yet. Emily in Astoria where, yes, we did have a gale
today, Gale smale, throw a little extra ballast in the canoe,
we'll be fine. That's what it's supposed to do here.

Michael and Emily Henderson (
"All that we do is touched with ocean, yet we remain
on the shore of what we know" Richard Wilbur