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geil kilns...anyone use?

updated fri 31 jan 97


Marshia Hall on fri 17 jan 97

Hi folks;

Anyone using presently a Geil kiln? I'm considering replacing
my well-worn and wonderful 24 Olsen Kiln kit kiln (updraft) with a
Geil 22 cu. ft. kiln, propane fired as well...anyone have any positive
or negative experience with this kiln besides Tom Coleman in the
CM issues each month?

Your experience will greatly assist my decision making! Thanks :)


Brad S. Reitz on sat 18 jan 97

I've used both Tom's fiber kiln here in Las Vegas and a brick Geil at Marjons in
Las Vegas and can only say that "mistakes" or "poor firings" were never the
kilns fault!!!! I understand that Geil is months away from filling his orders
and that's got to be bad for business. I asked in December about one and was
told it would be April.

Brad Reitz in sunny Las Vegas !!