hm9 on tue 12 nov 96
About a year ago I circulated a glaze of the week on e-mail to a
list of more than 300 clayart members. While this was a usefull service it
did seem to lack for a structure and a sense of permanance. I am now about
to start a clay and glaze web site. I will place on the site a new set of 4
or 5 glazes each month which will be related to specific themes,. these
glazes will be left on the site so that one can access them at anytime and
not only get new glazes but be able to review and reflect on old offerings.
The basic problem with the older form of the glaze of the week
project was that if one missed a week or two the glaxes were gone into
cyberspace. I have been very impressed with the recent glaze strands on
clayart but again if you miss a few weeks you don"t really have access to
what has been done. While the calyart archives are valuable, glazes are lost
among all the other information. On my projected web site I am going to
collect glazes, test themn, use several computer glaze analysis programs and
really try to develop an electronic glaze journal.
Also each month I am going to provide hot links to various other
ceramic web sites which I have visited.
I would like to have reaction to this idea by e-mail
visit garden of earthly deloghts web site
Also please send to me your own web sites so that I can begin to devellp the
hot links
glaze index site
Harold J. McWHINNIE (hm9)
Scott Harper (201) 540-2868 on tue 12 nov 96
I think that a glaze collection website is a FANTASTIC idea! I am teaching
myself about ceramics techniques mostly through books and experimentation, and
this would be a terrific resource, especially since I have had no formal
education in ceramics.
Would you also include a means for other potters to contribute glaze
I'm looking forward to it. Good luck.
Scott Harper
Eric Berg on wed 4 dec 96
Wonderful and generous idea! Unfortunately I am not good at this "computer
thing"yet (my wife got me to try the internet by telling me there would be
ceramics-related sites), and I won't know how to find your glaze site.
Please tell me, in as basic terms as you have patience for. I look forward
to learning about some new glazes. (In particular, lately I've wanted to use
a reliable cone 10 black satin/waxy glaze, in case you know of one.)
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