Keith Chervenak on fri 30 aug 96
Hello Everyone,
A tile making friend is experiencing problems with his glaze coming
off the side (edges) of his tile. He is using the same tried and true
glazes on the same tried and true body. The pulling back of the glaze
occurs randomly on a tile, half of an edge may hold glaze but the other
half of the very same edge does not. This is happening with sporadic
occurence with all his glazes. The inconsistency of how and when it it
occurs is what is so puzzling to us. Any thoughts or ideas out there? All
help is appreciated for this frustrating problem. Thanks-
Keith Chervenak
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
Patsy Catsos on fri 30 aug 96
The first thing that somes to mind is oily fingerprints on part of the edge.
Dust? Oily dirt of some kind on the tile cutter?
Cape Elizabeth, ME
June Perry on sat 31 aug 96
One of the other things besides dirt or grease that can cause this problem is
improper mixing of the glaze batch. Are you screening your glazes well before
you apply them?
I had a friend whose pots looked that way. Her only way of mixing a large
glaze batch was to use a large restaurant whisk. She was merely stirring and
not mixing and as a result the glaze batch that she dipped into was not a
homogenous mass of liquid therefore causing skipped or very thin patches on
the fired piece. Fortunately for her she found this look attractive!
Bill Aycock on sat 31 aug 96
At 08:50 AM 8/30/96 EDT, you wrote: **** in part ****
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hello Everyone,
> A tile making friend is experiencing problems with his glaze coming
>off the side (edges) of his tile.
Any thoughts or ideas out there? All
>help is appreciated for this frustrating problem. Thanks-
Keith- since you ask for ANY ideas, let me toss in a couple of possibilities:
1. someone handling the tiles has changed hand lotion or is otherwise
getting something on the edges,
2. If the tiles have been stored for some time in the open, there may be
dust contamination on the edges. This can be more possible if the tiles are
stored on edge.
3. Has anyone sprayed for bugs in the studio?
Bill- with an endless supply of wild speculation, on Persimmon Hill
Bill Aycock --- Persimmon Hill --- Woodville, Alabama, USA --- (in
the N.E. corner of the State)
also-- W4BSG -- Grid EM64
David Harmony on sat 7 sep 96
Keith Chervenak wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hello Everyone,
> A tile making friend is experiencing problems with his glaze coming
> off the side (edges) of his tile. He is using the same tried and true
> glazes on the same tried and true body. The pulling back of the glaze
> occurs randomly on a tile, half of an edge may hold glaze but the other
> half of the very same edge does not. This is happening with sporadic
> occurence with all his glazes. The inconsistency of how and when it it
> occurs is what is so puzzling to us. Any thoughts or ideas out there? All
> help is appreciated for this frustrating problem. Thanks-
> Keith
> Keith Chervenak
> Case Western Reserve University
> Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
My only reply is consitancy (sp?) (i was never a grate speller) I had the
same problem until I rolled all tiles and dried the same way and used
glaze from the same batch. I asked, since I am a student that all tiles
be fired on the same shelf. I cut a pattern of the shelf to figure out
how many and let the person loading the kiln know how amny would fit and
where I would like them to be placed.
I know there has been alot of discusion regarding tiling, although I have
only been doing this for a year, my best results come from taking my time
(drying) to consitencyand a whole lot of patience.
Jeremy/Bonnie Hellman on sun 8 sep 96
Keith- I can't speak about tiles specifically, but the random nature of the
problem plus its occurring on all clay bodies and all glazes (sporatically)
would indicate to me that a good place to look to solve the problem would
be: 1- environmental problems (dust, grease, etc) and 2-glazing technique.
I recently cut my hand and for medical reasons started applying glaze using
surgical gloves. I found that I had less glaze crawling and better
applications since I was not touching the bisqued pieces with my
(apparently) grimy hands.
Good luck. Bonnie
>> A tile making friend is experiencing problems with his glaze coming
>> off the side (edges) of his tile. He is using the same tried and true
>> glazes on the same tried and true body. The pulling back of the glaze
>> occurs randomly on a tile, half of an edge may hold glaze but the other
>> half of the very same edge does not. This is happening with sporadic
>> occurence with all his glazes. The inconsistency of how and when it it
>> occurs is what is so puzzling to us. Any thoughts or ideas out there? All
>> help is appreciated for this frustrating problem. Thanks-
>> Keith
>> Keith Chervenak
>> Case Western Reserve University
>> Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
You Name on sun 8 sep 96
I don't know if you have thought of this or not....but are his tiles getting
fingerprints or dust on them? If they are dirtty the glazes will run off,
i've even seen it as bad as leaving actual fingersploches that are blank on
the pieces.
Hope that helps a little,
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