Richard P. Bonner on mon 2 sep 96
I would greatly appreciate hearing of glaze room safety tips. I'm looking
for a system that would simply, clearly, and effectively announce to
university students the dangers of the materials that surround them in the
glaze room. Thanks,
Richard Bonner
Susan Rather
Associate Professor of Art History
FAB 2.130
Louis Howard Katz on tue 3 sep 96
On Mon, 2 Sep 1996, Richard P. Bonner wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I would greatly appreciate hearing of glaze room safety tips. I'm looking
> for a system that would simply, clearly, and effectively announce to
> university students the dangers of the materials that surround them in the
> glaze room. Thanks,
> Richard Bonner
> Susan Rather
> Associate Professor of Art History
We have just instituted a
system to help keep
students informed about
materials. We have four
catagories of materials:
1. General Use. These materials may be used without special permission
after a materials safety test has been passed.
2. Cost restricted Use. These materials wopuld be in general use but are
too expensive. Permission must be obtained each time they are used except
for glaze tests.
3. Safety Limited Use. These materials have safety hazards beyond the
standard respiratory precautions. They require permission to use each time.
4. Restricted use. These materials are not normally used in our classroom
and do not normally end up in glazes. They are usually restricted to test
quantities and permission must be obtained before use.
All materials in the shop are labeled with these catagories. Glaze
recipes are also marked with the catagories by using Hyperglaze and
marking the materials in the materials index health hazard section. A
printout for each glaze is done on stickyback paper and stuck to the bucket.
*Louis Katz *
*Texas A&M University Corpus Christi *
*6300 Ocean Drive, Art Department *
*Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 *
*Phone (512) 994-5987 *
ROBERT POGSON on tue 3 sep 96 wrote:
RB> hearing of glaze room safety tips. I'm looking
RB> for a system that would simply, clearly, and effectively announce to
RB> university students the dangers of the materials that surround them in the
RB> glaze room. Thanks,
RB> Richard Bonner
I think an LD50 chart would get their attention (dose required to get
50% mortality in rats). I don't have one, but some toxicologist could probably
dig up some numbers. The tolerable concentrations in air are rather ephemeral
because they are levels tolerable for 8 hours over the years. An acute dose
is more interesting. The fact that some of these materials accumulate and
so little is required in the body to do harm is more concrete than some
parts per billion numbers. Then there are the levels required to affect
reproduction and the nervous system... Young people sometimes feel they'll
live forever but they value their subsystems. }8-)
.... nfx v2.8 [C0000] Life is short; send more e-mail.
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