Glenda Worm on fri 20 jun 97
Has anyone had experience glazing Saltillo unglazed tile from Mexico?
Plan to use them on interior floor and want to decorate some to add to
the pattern. The finished floor will be sealed and then coated with a
high gloss finish. I would appreciate hearing from someone who has done
this or knows where I could get information.
Fran Haiem on mon 23 jun 97
Dear Glenda Worm:
I have fired Saltillo Tiles a few times and they are very difficult to
fire. The smaller the better and the 12 x 12 tiles are almost
impossible. I found that if I propped them up on one side, yes on the
edge, that firing was accomplished. Laying them flat will only create
S-cracks. You may also try firing them very slowly and cooling very to
avoid cracking. Have fun testing.
Fran Haiem
Tile Artist
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