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great cheap science/art supplies/calligraphy

updated fri 31 jan 97


Emily P. Henderson on mon 13 jan 97

Since I've gotten so many goodies from y'all from lurking on this list, I've
decided to own up and fill you in on my best discovery. It's American
Science & Surplus (847) 982-0870 FAX (800) 934-0722. The little squirtlet
bottles just mentioned to carry your underglaze...there on page 22 of the
January catalog, $2.00 for a package of 16 1/2 oz size along with a zillion
other neat bottles. Hydrometers? They got 'em. How 'bout 97.50 bucks for
a nice Ohaus tripple arm scale? Innards for clocks, little rubber disks to
keep your pots from rubbing on shelves, pumps and hose ts etc for your
fountains even a tinker toy looking thing to display your spouses needlework
with your pots at a fair. Lazy susan parts, nifty plastic vials, a zillion
magnets and optical parts and lenses, casters gears and insides of music
boxes. I love this thing and wait for its arrival on my door step each
month. I've purcahsed gobs of stufff from these folks and have had only one
thing that didn't arrive just right. Sometimes they're outa stock :-( and
that's a bummer...but Every month new and even more exciting. The best
part it the editing work on the catalog itself as the editors try to suggest
applications for these "parts" They're hours are M-F 8-5 Central Time. Pay
the phone company to get your first catalog, and have fun thereafter...
Emily, In Oregon where the sun is out and it's gorgeous today. We haven't
seen the sun in months.