R Wuetherick on thu 23 jan 97
Hello all,
I just wanted to second this motion. Hamer's is the very first
expensive book I ever bought for ceramics. I would have to say
that it doesn't matter if you have 6 months or 20 years experiance.
This book is an absolute must have! Ron Roy will I am sure tell
you this also. This book has saved me literally 100's of hours of
mixups. It's a great book to sit and read while you are firing.
Everytime I open the book I learn something new.
I really don't know how to STRESS the fact that for a ceramic
this book is not just a "maybe I should have that" it is a case of
you "definatly should have this book"
Go get it- I promise you will not be in the lease dissapointed....
Rod Wuetherick
> 3. Hamer's would be a good reference to have in my library.
> Still unanswered: Does boron or borax per se have any effect on the
> of raw glaze?>
> - Bill Amsterlaw (wamster@msn.com)
> Plattsburgh, NY
Ron Roy on fri 24 jan 97
Bill asked.....
>> Still unanswered: Does boron or borax per se have any effect on the
>> of raw glaze?>
>> - Bill Amsterlaw (wamster@msn.com)
>> Plattsburgh, NY
I don't know Bill - If you use Borax - which has sodium (a deflocculator)
and boron (an acid and acids flocculant don't they) what happens. If you
use boric acid, which is boron and water, do you get higher viscosity
because it is an acid? Seems to me the answer is probably "it depends."
If Gerstley Borate does become soluable in a glaze (my experience is that
it does not affect the viscosity) what oxide dominates the slop - boron or
sodium. I suspect the Neph Sy is responsible for glazes coming out of
suspension because of the soluable sodium - in that case the glaze may
In the end it is best to not add soluable materials to our glazes for a
number of reasons - if we must, then use em up right away before they start
coming apart.
If it is a buring question then a few simple experiments should answer the
question. Make a test glaze out of 50 spar, 10 whiting, 10 talc, 10 clay,
and 20 silica. Start adding different sources of boron and test the
viscosity. The warmer the slop the faster any solubles will start to affect
the vis.
Ron Roy
Toronto, Canada
Evenings, call 416 439 2621
Fax, 416 438 7849
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