Larry Tague on wed 21 may 97
I have a 50 lb bag of clear commercial cone 5-6 Laguna glaze. What can I add
to this glaze to make it a white? I can only assume this is possible. Any
help will be appreciated. Carol
Mike Vatalaro on tue 27 may 97
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I have a 50 lb bag of clear commercial cone 5-6 Laguna glaze. What can I add
>to this glaze to make it a white? I can only assume this is possible. Any
>help will be appreciated. Carol
Test out some 100 gram batches / traditionaly 5-7 Tin oxide would do it,
depending on the desired opacity you want. Also a bit less costly is to
use 7---15 % Zircopax / some folks like to use a mixof both oxides .
also a little Kaolin 5-10 percent will help but it will also stiffen the
glaze, 15 % might get you a soft satin white /especisly if you add some Tin
Or Zircopax. with it.Remember that both Tin and Zirc. are refractory and
will affect the melt in significant %.
good Luck
Mike Vatalaro, Clemson U
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