Corinne Null on fri 11 oct 96
I've had to adjust the three knobs that control the electric elements on my
kiln so that I get an even distribution of heat. The bottom 2 are on 6 and
the top is still on 10. Now, I notice that when the temp gets up to 2100,
it almost stalls. I'm trying for a cone 10 firing. If it just sits there
long enough, the cone in the sitter will eventually bend and turn it off.
But, maybe I can turn off the ventilation system and close the top peep and
It would help? Is there always stuff burning off that I should vent out, or
is there a point where it's over and not needed anymore? Or should I just
go back to uneaven firing :(
Geez, this is so darn complicated! Will I ever get it right ?!!??!!??@#$@%
Thanks again, all.
Corinne Null
Bedford, NH
Karen Gringhuis on fri 11 oct 96
If you don not have elements in the bottom of your kiln (I intend to NEXT
time), lift off the rings & put a blanket of ceramic fiber (Bailey catalog
for starters) on the floor of the kiln. If you vent thru the bottom of
the kiln, just cut a hole around the vent holes. Cut little holes for
the stilts under the first shelf to sit on the floor. Blanket goes
ALL THE WAY OUT to the edge of the floor & rings go back on top of it.
My bottom tier is not almost as hot as the middle & the top runs half a cone
cooler. I also lay a similar blanket on top of the kiln. Previous sentence
should read ..."bottom is now almost as hot as middle." I've wondered
same thing about turning vent fan off to get the top hotter but haven't risked t
Orton publishes a Ceramic Event chart but I've not had time to read it. If
we open a window I'm GUESSING we'd be OK.
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