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herringbone/clay textures

updated tue 30 sep 97


Francie Pusateri on tue 16 sep 97

The way I have been able to create a herringbone like texture in
clay is to take a pencil sharpener apart and use the blades inside.
I don't even remember what possessed me to think of this, but the
pattern on the blades looked good and they are already mounted
as rollers. I use them on leather hard clay and roll down and then
up creating a texture like herringbone. I also roll down at an
angle which is especially nice on a rounded form. I'm sure it
probably isn't the best thing for the pencil sharpener, but it
still works.

One texture that I am interested in and have not been able to
recreate very adequately is the traditional rope textures in some
of the Japanese pottery. I have tried rolling different sizes
of ropes on the surfaces of pots from freshly thrown, too soft, to
leather hard, too hard, and stages in between, but have been
disappointed with the results. If anyone has any suggestions
I would appreciate it.

Francie Pusateri