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in need of a new element

updated thu 31 jul 97


Nancy Jervey on sat 5 jul 97

I am frantically getting ready for the summer craft fairs, and my
firing last night did not reach temp. As usual I am behind and needed
to be doing lots of firing9s this month! I will start calling dealers
this morning and am trying to get an element sent overnight. I live in
Maine and have a Paragon TNT 23-3. Will I be able to refire all the
pots in this kiln? The temp got up to 1953 degrees. Will the glazes
refire a second time and looks just like they were intended to look?
Nancy in Skowhegan Maine. on sun 6 jul 97


Not sure if this helps you but here goes. Contact American Ceramic Equipment
Co. @ Joe Burns (412) 662-5871. Remove the broken element and all of the
pieces so he can measure the resistance and guage. I judge that your kiln
has had plenty of use so I would recommend all new elements. The next ones
to go will follow shortly and really catch you in a crisis again. Joe is
usually very good about delivery and his prices are competitive: certainly
much lower than what Paragon would charge.

Hope this helps you out.


The Shelfords on sun 6 jul 97

>... have a Paragon TNT 23-3. Will I be able to refire all the
>pots in this kiln? The temp got up to 1953 degrees. Will the glazes
>refire a second time and looks just like they were intended to look?
>Nancy in Skowhegan Maine.

Nancy -
They should. They might even be somewhat improved (richer, etc.) Where you
really get odd changes is if you have glazes already fired up to maturity,
then refired to roughly bisque temp. But usually those can be brought back
to what they were if refired up to maturity again. (If your clay can take
all that refiring!)
- Veronica

Veronica Shelford
s-mail: P.O. Box 6-15
Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0
Tel: (250) 246-1509