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info- sandblasted stoneware; "inquisitor's teapot"??

updated fri 24 oct 97


Tom Morris on mon 13 oct 97

So far, high school has been enjoyable, except for the massive homework
floods that strike my pottery to the back burner.......
I was sitting in the school library, reading a recent Ceramics Monthly, and
saw this piece, "The Inquisitor's Teapot". It had heat-darkened copper
parts and rubber tubes all over it, and it was made of sandblasted
stoneware. I am greatly interested in this technique... is the blasting
done greenware, bisque, or glazed? any info would be appreciated.

In Miami, Florida, where it is finally cooling down for the fall, and I can
actually turn off the damn A/C................ also not as rainy :o)
Tom Morris