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insulation on kiln lid.

updated sat 31 aug 96


Toni Martens on thu 29 aug 96

Thanks for the info on moulds for wheel head.
Another problem.The insulation on the lid
of my kiln is coming adrift.It's some kind
of compressed fibre.The lid is soft insulation
It is not losing too much heat through the lid
but this stuff droops into the kiln and as it's
a top loader I can't see if it is touching
anything so I'm losing a lot of space on
the top shelf as I don't want bits sticking
to my pots.
It seems to be stuck on with"staples" made from
element wire.It is a 2nd hand kiln so I don't
know if the "staples" were "first aid" by the
previous owner or if that is how it was done in
the first place.
Toni M in Durban where humidity will strike all too soon.